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Bill and Nancy
Feb 14, 20212 min read
June 1999
My name is Toby. I have just had my fifth dog birthday on March 19th. I'm a proud Sunshine Golden Retriever, and I come from a family of...
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Bill and Nancy
Feb 14, 20212 min read
January 2000
Whoa! What an E ticket ride that was. One day our family and friends came over to our house. They helped my folks load up a couple of...
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Bill and Nancy
Feb 14, 20213 min read
May 2000
People think that dogs are dumb, but we are not. We know exactly what is going on at all times. My folks put me on a strict diet before...
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Bill and Nancy
Feb 14, 20212 min read
October 2000
As you may have guessed, I am a good little eater, or as they say in France, "Je me tiens bien à la table". I am beginning to consider...
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Bill and Nancy
Feb 14, 20212 min read
November 2000
Oh Boy! Another train trip. I use to be a little nervous on the trains, but I get along fine now that I understand all of the rules. On...
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Bill and Nancy
Feb 14, 20213 min read
January 2001
Through the Doggie Network I had heard about how daring the French dogs were, but I really had no idea. This was surreal, beyond my...
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Bill and Nancy
Feb 14, 20212 min read
February 2001
My mailbox has been flooded with notes from friends and neighbors. Everyone is wondering what happened to me. People have seen my...
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Bill and Nancy
Feb 14, 20212 min read
April 2001
Je vais de mieux et mieux. (I just keep getting better and better). I am recovering well from my knee operation. I now have a skip and...
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Bill and Nancy
Feb 14, 20213 min read
November 2001
This summer I cruised to Belgium and back, and I learned so much about barge travel. It's really cool, once you get the hang of not...
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Bill and Nancy
Feb 14, 20213 min read
April 2002
I may be just a dog, but I still lead a pretty cool life. How many dogs can say that their folks took them to lunch in a foreign country...
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Bill and Nancy
Feb 14, 20211 min read
Notes from Other Boats- New book about barging in France
People have always told us that we should write a book. Well, we didn't, but a couple that we met while we were living in Paris did, and...
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Christian and Charlotte
Feb 14, 20216 min read
Notes from Other Boats - Kinette
Our Swiss friends on Kinette recently sent us this email about their cruising adventures. Chris is a great photographer, so even though...
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Mike and Jane Burgess
Feb 14, 20215 min read
Notes from Other Boats- Drumsara
Mike and Jane Burgess wintered with us in the Arsenal in 2007-2008. When Spring came they headed south, and last January, Mike emailed...
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Bill and Nancy
Feb 14, 20211 min read
2010 A Portrait of Winter in Paris
Meilleurs Souhaits pour Le Nouvel An! Que la nouvelle année déborde de bonheur et de prospérité et que tous les voeux formulés deviennent...
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Bill and Nancy
Feb 14, 20211 min read
2010 le Bal des Pompiers, Paris 4ème
Our cruise to Belgium was great fun, and we had a very pleasant experience in the boatyard, which doesn't happen often, but now we are...
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Bill and Nancy
Feb 14, 20211 min read
2010 Cruising on the Marne
From Meaux to Cumières with a stop in Nogent L'Artaud. Up early in the morning, pulling away from one pontoon at 7:30am and landing on...
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Bill and Nancy
Feb 14, 20211 min read
2010 Éclaircie on the move again
After a long, cold, and very enjoyable winter in Paris, we are on the move again. We passed through the lock at the Arsenal at 9am on...
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Bill and Nancy
Feb 14, 20211 min read
2010 Carnaval Vénitien de Paris 2010
Thank you to our neighbor Michelle Santi for creating this magical event.
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